New Year, New Farm!

New Year, New Farm!

Hey ya'll! Oh my gosh has it been a minute since I wrote a new blog update! They're is just so much to update ya'll on, I don't know where to begin! There has been so many changes going on, on our farm. We are coming up to our one year anniversary for our Farm store! What a year! 

First thing is first. I just wanna thank every single one you who supported us during the holidays! We had launched our first ever holiday box and it was a great a success! I am looking forward to a new holiday box this year! 


We have many. new changes happening. First let's talk SOAP! Boy have I had a up hill battle with soap! But, we will be launching Soap this spring!! So exciting as I know many of you have been waiting for this moment!

We are also adding bath bombs and shower steamers to the store!! I had to much fun creating shower steamers this past holiday season and seeing the outstanding feedback we were getting from ya'll made my heart flutter. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Bath bombs, so why not do that too! Bath Bombs and shower steamers will be Launching Feb. 13th, 2021. 


Lotion! Our famous best selling product! As winter rolls out and spring rolls in, we will have new scents for our lotion collection. Stay tuned! 


Farm Tours! Last year covid-19 made nearly everything impossible. We worked around it and found a safe way to host farm tours on our farm. Unfortunately, covid is still a thing coming in to 2021. No worries, we are still planning on hosting summer farm tours! Tours will be reserved ahead of time. Social distancing and mask wearing will still be in place. Tours will be longer as we are adding more hands on educational experiences. Farm products will be available to purchase after the tour. We are looking forward to seeing ya'll again! 


Pop-up shop! Last year, I was really looking forward to attending farmer markets with our products. you know, covid happened. This year we are signed up with a few markets! So if you can't make it out to us for Saturday pick ups you can come shop with us at a upcoming market! 


Like I said, many new things are happening around here! This was just the bit of it! Wanna know what's going on, on the farm? Follow us on instagram or youtube! 

Hopefully it won't take me another six months to write a new blog post! haha. 

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